
1月12日讯 北京时间1月12日凌晨1:30,2024-25赛季德甲联赛第16轮迎来了一场焦点战役。拜仁慕尼黑在普鲁士公园球场客场对阵门兴格拉德巴赫。上半场双方都未能破门,比赛暂时以0-0平局结束;下半场奥利塞制造了一个点球机会,由凯恩主罚命中,但萨内则错失了一次空门良机,最终拜仁以1-0小胜门兴,目前积分达到39分,以4分的优势稳居榜首。



  • 66分钟:卢卡斯·乌尔赖希在禁区内放倒了奥利塞,被裁判判罚为点球,并因此吃到黄牌。
  • 68分钟:凯恩主罚点球,他成功骗过守门员莫里茨·尼古拉斯,将皮球送入网窝,为拜仁取得领先。
  • 71分钟:由于莫里茨·尼古拉斯冒失出击留下空档,科曼将球传给萨内,但后者面对无人防守的情况下却射高了。



  • 8分钟:Bayern获得右侧角球机会,不过戴尔头槌攻门顶得太高。
  • 19分钟:Müller左路抢断并传中,可惜第一脚被解围,而格雷茨卡随后凌空射门偏出目标。
  • 23分钟:Kimmich接队友回做直传至禁区,小禁区线上Müller的射門被对方守护神封住.
  • < span style =" font - weight : bold ; " > 37 分钟 : 拜仁 对 门 兴 投诉 禁 区 内 有 手 球 , 裁 判 并 不认为 是 点 球 。
  • < span style =" font - weight : bold ; " > 43 分钟 : 萨内 突 入 禁 区 横 穿 被 解 围 , 在 拜 忍 外 圆 得 到 的 攻 击 中 , müller 小 禁 区 内 收 到 队 员 的 首 次 材料 射 门 没有 构 成 太 大 威 胁 , 被 莫 瑞 茲 · 尼 古 拉 西 揭 示 .




    Sides::   - 第49分鐘:Roko-Reitz从右边发起进攻, Klein-Dinst直接头打稍微越过横梁.
      - 第52分鐘 :N Bayern策动反击, Olise推进之后弧顶处Sane尝试一记远程攻击但是遭遇到了Moritz-Nicolas挡出的阻力.
      - 第55分鐘 :The ball was kicked out by the goal of Menxing after both sides fought for possession in midfield and Plea had a single shot opportunity but he got intercepted due to his slow speed. <p></ p> >b<-58 Minutes:>Scali's fast retreat prevented Müller from forming a one-on-one situation.< / b > <p></ p> *64 minutes:*Olise took aim at the big penalty area with his left foot but it deflected off Moritz Nicolas again. (76 Min): Sane replaced him directly back to player channel before returning to bench. (79 mins:) Gnabry received assistance from Coman on an angle attempt that missed far post. **82**Minutes:**Menxin’s right corner kick opportunity led Klain Dinsts headbutt went slightly off target. 【84 Minute】: Greska advanced forward, after stopping the ball made attempts were blocked over crossbar by Morits-Niklas. {86 min} Stog attempted long-range shots outside failed high above [87] The counterattack has created four against one opportunities when they move into frontcourt where Nagby pushed all way through while Komans’ shoot saved then Olese follow-up header also stopped! Time added three minutes during second half stoppage time, In Ninety-fourth minute,Gnabry broke through alone facing goalkeeper Moiriz Nicholas turned heroic save successfully denied scoring! Full-time match ended finally,Bayern beat Monshing Gralduff Bahhchocky!" “Both Teams Starting Lineup And Substitution Information" < / P >

    /B “NOYER”,”KIM MIN JAE”, ”DALE","DAVIES", "RAEMLER" ,"JOSHUA KIMMICH,"GRETZKA,",MUELLER(60'COMAN),SANÉ(73 'GNABRY) ","OLISE""KEANE" "BAYERN SUBSTITUTES:"UHLREIH","GRELO",AZNU,"IBRAHIMOVIC ALYAN ",ASECO,PAVLOVIC,TEL” 33-MooretsNicolas,"Robin-Hack"(62''LukaNetz),"Lucas-Uhlraih”(90+3’’FutianMasterKing)"Skalli"(83"Leiner"),Eldviidi,(3"-BanCangXiangWeguer),(6")Sanders(83)31-Chewan Kala、27-RocoReitzi 、11-KleinDinsdter、14-Plea(62‘Stoge) *SubstitutesFor Menzhin Gladhachoky*:OMARLIN,KIALRODIYA,Friedrich,Noyhaus